Thursday, September 11, 2008


Music is all around us. Even if a person is not a musician, they still create music through their speech and actions. Music makes us feel. In many aspects, music is a defining factor in who we are.

For me, personally, music is a huge aspect of my life. In fact, music is my life. I have played the piano for ten years now, and the flute for five, and I have definitely seen the power that music has in my life. Being able to express my feelings through music, and being able to connect with an audience emotionally is an incredible experience, and is rarely found anywhere else.

I love classical music. The intricacies of the melodies is absolutely incredible to listen to. And whether it be Dvorac, Debussey, Haydn, or Prokofiev, each composer and piece of music has their own unique melodic and emotional qualities. Having the opportunity of playing in an orchestra has only heightened my admiration and love for this branch of music. The fact that a massive group of musicians, each with their own part, can come together and form these incredible orchestral pieces as a whole is amazing.


What kind of music do you enjoy? Be sure to explain why.


Alex said...

Nice dude. You're an amazing piano player. I too play the piano but I'm not that good at it. I sure wish I could play as good as you can.

You should see the movie August Rush. It kinda goes along with what you're saying.

My favorite type of music is...well, I like pretty much everything except Rap, Heavy Rock, and Most Country. My family has taught me to be diversified in the music I listen to so I like alot Rock, Hip-Hop, DanceModernPop, Alternative, Classical, New Age, you get the picture.

Michael J said...

Thank you for not using just the most commonly known composers. In fact you didn't use any.

Anonymous said...

Yea Dylan you are pretty much like out of this world amazing, I sware you're going to be like more famous then Bach someday. I like pop/rock kind of music the most because it connects to my emotions and makes me feel things more than any other kind of music, but I like other music too. I really dislike rap and most country though.

Mackenzie said...

No he won't be the next bach, but the next michael phelps! lol I pretty much like every kind of music EXCEPT for country...shudder

lizzie said...

Wow Dylan, that was beautiful.

I, for myself, do love music. I'm not amazing at it, I don't have any special talent nor do I have much apt for playing instruments or singing, nonetheless, I find the music can have such an affect on anyone and everyone. I play the piano, purely for enjoyment, with both my own songs and my favorite music. The songs I write, regardless of their complexity or quality will always have a certain value to me because it is my own creation and portrays my own expressions. My favorite songs are all beautiful and with lots of meaning. To me, art of all kind is a safe way for me to portray my emotion, and in another sense, it's a way I allow myself to be heard.

The more I listen to classical music, the more I enjoy it. Some of my favorite songs of classical music are Ave Maria, Je Crois, Claire de Lune, Moonlight sonata, among others. I agree with Alex, August Rush is an amazing movie, and it has some of my favorite music.

Alot of my favorite music comes from movies(specifically August Rush). Some other examples would be Lord of the Rings, Les Choriste, and Amelie. Some moder artists I like are the softer songs of Eanescence("Hello"), Muse, Jack Johnson, blue October, Josh Groban, Imogen Heap and much more.

Music is Amazing.
this is Lizzie by the way :)