Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Childhood Memories

For a bellwrite from last week, we were asked to write about different aspects of our neighborhood. This really caused me to reflect again to my childhood as I grew up in the same neighborhood. One thing that jumped immediately into my mind was the legacy of Mrs. Eager. As our neighborhood is circular formation, there is a hill which marks the center. On top of this hill sits a quaint Victorian-styled house. But inside those walls lived a monster of inconceivable proportions.

I never personally saw Mrs. Eager throughout my childhood and even to this day. Throughout the day, she stayed in her house with all the curtains drawn. Whenever she went out, she drove directly out of her garage in her car with tinted windows. However, we got to be very well acquainted with her arm. Every morning as the paper was delivered (directly onto her front doorstep), the door would creek open and her arm would snake out and retrieve it.

So to this day almost no one has witnessed a sighting of Mrs. Eager, and those who have do not often speak on it.

1 comment:

Alex & Logan said...

Wow, Dylan, that was funny and inspiring. I now want to be a creepy old lady that no one ever sees. Just kidding! I have some questions about her that you may not be able to answer, but here I go!
-If no one ever saw her, how did they even know her name was Mrs. Eager?

-I'm assuming she was married by the "Mrs." attached to her name- is her husband still alive? Does she have a family?

-Also, is she at all religious?

I always wonder how people like Mrs. Eager can live like that. If I was someone who didn't like to talk to people, I'd at least move to Hawaii, where the old retired tourists don't really talk to you anyway. Well, thanks for that post. It was very interesting.